misty night i

The road ahead...


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Sofia, Bulgaria

Layers of time

Sofia: Sin City HDR

Summer Evening

Sofia Can Be a Nice Place

Sofia Nevski Church Sofia Bulgaria

Home, Sweet Home... Street Series #35

Lightning Over Lozenets


Sofia Night View

View of Tsarigradsko shose Boulevard Sofia Bulgaria at sunset from hotel room

Градски залез / Urban sunset

Sunrise view of Tsarigradsko shose Blvd approaching Sofia Bulgaria from Hotel Room

Bell View

Almost spring

socialist architecture in winter sofia, bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria

Gentle curves

helios 44

As the water flows #3

2014_10_17-th (9) Autumn in the park

Morning lake

Sofia, Bulgaria

Parallel Universe

Sun in my eyes

The birth of a water ghost


The palace

Братската могила Паркът на свободата София 1967 г. The Antifascist monument Liberty Park Sofia Bulgaria

Beyond the corn plantations

Vitosha Mountain, Kopitoto peak and TV tower in winter. Планината Витоша и Връх Копитото с ТВ кулата - през зимата.

Южен парк

Water Mirror

Melting Snow

Vladayska river