Kamen Del peak , Vitosha mountain DSC_0587

European hornet ( Vespa crabro ) Стършел DSC_0612

Square by night

Petunia DSC_0606

Dun Skipper ( Euphyes vestris ) metacomet Night butterfly over Tagetes DSC_0598

View from Kamen Del peak, Vitosha mountain DSC_0594

Magic forest 2834

87017, Iliyantsi Yard (BG), 13/09/19

Kopitoto Vitosha - panorama Копитото Витоша панорама DSC_0885_0891_stitch

Sofia (София) - 718, 11-05-2019

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St. Alexander Nevski Cathedral, Sofia

High Brown Fritillary butterfly ( Argynnis adippe ) _DSC0828

Moon above the Cathedral hdr

Ancient Serdica Archaeological Complex | Sofia, Bulgaria

misty night i

Sofia (София), 15-05-2019

Part of Vitosha mountain from the bridge DSC_0579

Sofia (София) - 506, 15-05-2019

Black&White Artistic Parc View

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Night lights

The Rapids

Autumn in the park DSC_0704

Happy New Year 2018! DSC_0513

Winter Thistle Bokeh

Mirror,Aleksandar Nevski cathedral in Sofia

Clouds over Sofia

Streets of Sofia

Vitosha in sunlight

Fall in Sofia

Other view

Sofia in falls

The birth of a water ghost

Sunset 1

Cattedrale Di St Alexander Nevsky hdr

Gentle curves

Boyana river