Kamen Del peak , Vitosha mountain DSC_0587

European hornet ( Vespa crabro ) Стършел DSC_0612

Other view

Square by night

Synema globosum small spider малък паяк DSC_0055

Please help me identify this DSC_0303

View from Kamen Del peak, Vitosha mountain DSC_0594

Petunia DSC_0606

Dun Skipper ( Euphyes vestris ) metacomet Night butterfly over Tagetes DSC_0598

Small mushrooms & moss Гъби и спори на мъх DSC_0962

tulips лалета_DSC0738

Kopitoto Vitosha - panorama Копитото Витоша панорама DSC_0885_0891_stitch

Vitosha mountain & Kamen Del Peak , view form Sofia _DSC0298

Sunday light

buds пъпъки _DSC0739

87017, Iliyantsi Yard (BG), 13/09/19

Cattedrale Di St Alexander Nevsky hdr

tiny ant with wings, landed on cloth DSC_0844

_DSC0966_ _ vid

Sun view over Cathedral hdr

St. Alexander Nevski Cathedral, Sofia

The Rapids

Night lights

Autumn in the park DSC_0704

Fish in the park DSC_0875

DSC_0176 (2)

Happy New Year 2018! DSC_0513

Autumn in park DSC_0227

Sunset over Pancharevo dam


Winter Thistle Bokeh

Black peak, Vitosha, Bulgaria

Black peak, Vitosha, Bulgaria

Vitosha in sunlight

Up to The Sky / Sequoias

Thin forest in the park. Рядка гора в парка. DSC_0525

Golden Autumn Lake in a park. Afternoon. Mallards. DSCN4235

The birth of a water ghost