Bloody Lane, Antietam


Today's Obligatory Snow Picture



US 11-1-2


On The Opposite Side

Grass view


Cornfield, Antietam, rail fence

Frontier Fortification

Antietam National Battlefield - View of Bloody Lane from the Observation Tower

Candlelight Under the Stars

view from the James Rumsey (Sheperdstown Pike) Bridge

View out another window


Burnside's Bridge, Antietam Creek

View from the Mumma Farm

bridged light

View towards the East Woods

Falling Waters Falls Closeup

Falling Waters Falls


0012 C&O Canal Towpath, MD

Path to the Mumma Cemetery at Antietam

Morning on the Conococheague Creek in Williamsport MD

Devils Backbone Park, Boonsboro MD waterfall


Antietam Battlefield

The Bloody Cornfield, Antietam Battlefield

Antietam Battlefield - 2014-06-19 (78)


Blair's Valley Lake - 2014-10-23 (7)

Antietam Battlefield - 2014-06-19 (16)

Antietam Battlefield - 2010-04-27 (79)

Antietam Sunset

This is why I like the...

Antietam Flowers

Cornfield, Antietam, remembering September 17, 1862

Twelve-Pound Napoleon Complex