Greater Roadrunner (1952)

Cactus Wren (2451)

Lydia the Tattooed Lady

Austin-Healey 3000 Mk III

Cactus Wren (1957)


Live Oak Trail from Vista Point

Green-tailed Towhee (2036) (rare orange county, ca)

Canaveras Trail (22317-9)

Sunrise in California

Reaching to the Sky

My view from the Stepping Up Men's conference at Trabuco Canyon Community #Church.... Not a bad way to start the day....

The Saddleback

1960 DeSoto Fireflite Hardtop --- EXPLORED 2/12/13 #310

Barn Owl (2099) in the wild

California Quail (2470)

Rufous-crowned Sparrow (1977)

Green-tailed Towhee (2046) (rare orange county, ca)

Cactus Wren (18961)

Yucca at Portola Hills

The #view out my dad's #room #night

East Side of Whiting Ranch

Autumn's Warmth

Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park

Emerald Isle....

Copse of Sycamores

Sycamore Along the Road

Arroyo Trabuco

Irvine Storm Dream (Prisma)

ONeill 232

Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park

Edge of the World

Riley Ridge

St. Michael's Abbey and Pasture

ONeill 44

Water Tower Zoom

Southwest from Sugarloaf

Mission Viejo Orange County California 2015-05-06

West Side of Whiting