Mt Hood Reflections

Morning Reflections on Trillium Lake

Late afternoon

Mount Hood Aurora

Milky Way arching over Mount Hood

Sunrise at Trillium Lake

USA // Oregon // Government Camp // Mount Hood & Trillium Lake

Timberline View

Mt. Jefferson, Oregon

Mt. Hood reflected in Trillium Lake

Summit Mt Hood in February

i was there : )

Fishin' In The Dark

Perseid Meteor Shower at Trillium Lake 2013

Beyond Our Understanding

Star Trails Over Mount Hood at Trillium Lake

Cloud Shroud

Sunrise Over Trillium Lake Oregon - HDR

Winter on the Mountain

Memory always obeys the commands of the heart…

If you could say it in words there would be no reason to paint…

mt hood

Tamanawas Falls

Last Light

Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us…

Smoke & Mirrors

Trillium Sunrise

Mt. Hood at Trillium Lake 102013

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see...

Row, Row, Row Your Boat...

Trillium Lake @ Sunset

Great and Small

Mazama Lodge.jpg

Surreal Sky over Trillium Lake