Frog Lake, Oregon

Trillium Lake, Mt. Hood Oregon

Late afternoon

Mountain Glaciers

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing...

Morning Reflections on Trillium Lake

Majestic Mount Hood at Sunset

Every moment of light and dark is a miracle…

Trillium Blue Minute

Moonlite Hood

Mt Hood

looming in the distance

Tilliam Lake, Fall

Soaring Over Oregon

Mt Hood Reflections

Sunrise Over Trillium Lake Oregon - HDR

Mt. Hood Glade

Memory always obeys the commands of the heart…

Smoke and Haze

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion…

To paint is a possessing rather than a picturing…

Merry Christmas

Trillium in the last days of Summer

Looking towards the top of Mt Hood, from the Timberline Lodge

Mt. Jefferson at Sunset

Trillium Lake in the morning, _8200533

Trillium Lake Fall

Mount Hood from Trillium Lake

Sunset over Mt Hood

The Sun Goes Down on Another Year

mt hood

Mt. Hood - Field of Purple at Sunset

Mt Hood Sunset -0051

Mount Hood Against the Blue

St. Helens sunrise from above

Road Trip 2016