Birds Eye View of De Smet (1883)

Path to Church - Ingalls Homestead - De Smet - South Dakota

Ingalls Homestead, South Dakota

Little House on the Prairie, De Smet

prairie sunset

South Dakota

frontier life

tres naranjas

Ingalls Homestead

Brewster School

Organ in the Ingalls Home

Post Office 57249 (Lake Preston, South Dakota)

It takes a certain kind of person to see beauty in a dead fish on a beach. My kids are not that kind of people. #SouthDakota #camping #familytravel

Lake Preston South Dakota, Kingsbury County SD

Lake Preston South Dakota, Kingsbury County SD

Buggy, Ingalls Center

Ingalls Homestead

Laura ingalls wilder houses in De Smet, SD- the house that pa built

My little prairie girl

Chicago & NorthWestern station - DeSmet, South Dakota

Chicago & NorthWestern station - DeSmet, South Dakota

circle the wagons

claim shanty II

prairie campfire