2014-10-12, Double P Ranch
Good Hope Lutheran Church -- near Vienna, South Dakota
Security State Bank -- Willow Lake, South Dakota
Southeast Merton School #19, Clark County
Austria - Vienna - Belvedere
Austria - Vienna - L'orologio sulla piazza del mercato (Ankeruhr)
Austria - Vienna - La chiesa votiva (Votivkirche)
Dalmarva Daytrip
Dalmarva Daytrip
BNSF 2322
BNSF 20823
Naples, SD, Milwaukee Depot
Willow Lake, SD, Great Northern Depot
Vienna, SD, Great Northern Depot
Hazel, SD, Great Northern Depot
Vienna, SD, Milwaukee Depot
Vienna, SD, Milwaukee Depot
Commuting to fix computers.
Artwork #1
Anne Brushing
Ron's 3500HD and Anne's HHR