Classic SOO SD60s

1969 Ford XL 500

^^^ Bird's Eye View ^^^


Just My Imagination

A woman's dress should be like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view. ~ Sophia Loren

Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius. ~Pietro Aretino

Same view, different perspective.

Night Moves

Coon Rapids, MN

North on the Hinckley Sub

A Late Amtrak #8 Near Ramsey, MN

Spirit In The Sky

Three Leaves

Sundown (6-1-12)

My backyard...

My view at the dentist today - when my eyes weren't squeezed shut while I was pretending I wasn't being tortured.

Coon Rapids, MN – Bunker Hills Golf Club New Clubhouse and Site Improvements

29 Cord L-29

Gramma has a nice view from her room at the hospital - especially with the heart garland I made for the window!

A sunset view of London, 72 floors up.

{Rum River Bend}

~~~ Rum River Winterscape ~~~ - II.

Maple Grove Arboretum - Fall 2013

Color {50/50 - 1}

Color My Eyes...

Summertime reeds and bokeh

Maple Grove Arboretum

Green moss lichen on a tree park

Trail through the woods - Elm Creek Park

Lighted Way

Reeds in the summertime - Elm Creek Park

Thirsty Thursday

Lots of greenery - Elm Creek Park Archery Range

Shadows {50/50 - 3}


The Night Calls

Creek at Sunset

So it begins.

Fall colors at Maple Grove Arboretum