Just My Imagination

A woman's dress should be like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view. ~ Sophia Loren

Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius. ~Pietro Aretino

Same view, different perspective.

Night Moves

Spirit In The Sky

Three Leaves

My backyard...

It couldn't have been a more gorgeous, more serene setting for Christmas weekend. I don't know what I did to deserve such blessings to have a view like this outside my door but I'm so thankful it's there and that it speaks to me everyday. I'll continue to

A sunset view of London, 72 floors up.

Japanese spirea flowers

Day 34 of 365 (2-3-11)

29 Cord L-29

Coon Rapids Riverdale Station

^^^ Bird's Eye View ^^^


View of the cloudy ocean. My beautiful perpetual sunset for hours. #latergram #pardonmewhileikissthesky

A Late Amtrak #8 Near Ramsey, MN

My view at the dentist today - when my eyes weren't squeezed shut while I was pretending I wasn't being tortured.

Gramma has a nice view from her room at the hospital - especially with the heart garland I made for the window!

1969 Ford XL

The Night Calls

Fall colors at Maple Grove Arboretum

The Shadow's Beauty

Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light? ~ Maurice Freehill

Maple Grove Arboretum in the fall

Maple Grove Arboretum - Fall 2013

Winter {50/50 - 17}

Maple Grove Arboretum

Stepping Stones

Lighted Way

Like a Lion

Thirsty Thursday

Shadows {50/50 - 3}

Mighty Reflection

{Rum River Bend}

~~~ Rum River Winterscape ~~~ - II.

Hoar frost

And the sun came! #latergram #pardonmewhileikissthesky #mysufjanstevenslookingrowmatecuriouslylookedon #seewhatididthere #fanwellbeforechicago #notahipster anyway

So it begins.