^^^ Bird's Eye View ^^^


Weather Thunderhead Ramsey Minnesota.

The view from my hammock

Classic SOO SD60s

Coon Rapids, MN

North on the Hinckley Sub

A Late Amtrak #8 Near Ramsey, MN

My view at the dentist today - when my eyes weren't squeezed shut while I was pretending I wasn't being tortured.

Coon Rapids, MN – Bunker Hills Golf Club New Clubhouse and Site Improvements

Coon Rapids Riverdale Station

View from the deck

Mc01/04/08 - Ronald Mcvisited

Northstar Commuter Rail from Anoka, MN, to Coon Rapids, MN, on May 4, 2012.

Fancy a BBQ!!

Jun 27 - A View from the Patio

My view of the sermon today. #renovationchurch @renovationchrch

Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) Butterfly

Color My Eyes...


*** Snowy Owl Aerial ~ I. ***

{Rum River Bend}

~~~ Rum River Winterscape ~~~ - II.


Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Fall Colors 2014

Almost there

Old Barn


Relaxing Area

Summertime reeds and bokeh

Green moss lichen on a tree park

"Pathway to Light"


Trail through the woods - Elm Creek Park

Reeds in the summertime - Elm Creek Park

{Birch, Oak & Snow - I.}

Morning Fog

Oct 15