Snack time

And yet another hard worker

captured in flight

Snack time!

There's a light in me..

A Beautiful Pest

They come in threes..

Scarlet O'Beetle

pink runway

I'm back!

A bright destination

HBW- Happy buggy Wednesday!

This way to my heart~(Imagoism)

Pretty on Pink

Out with the old..

Spidey on pink

Springing wonders

Sunday fly day

Dew of compassion

monday blues.. and greens

through obstacles

Ringlet on green

Laivamatka; Oravi-Savonlinna 30.7.2009 -24

Foggy Horizons

Laulujoutsen | Cisne cantor | Whooper Swan

Savonlinna, Niittylahti 7.8.2015

Remnants of Ascension

Savonlinna; Vehkalampi 2.5.2010

Swan In The Sunset

Rising storm

Sunset on Lake Saimaa IV

Rakennetta kellotornin katonrajassa

Lake View

Herajärven harjulla 12.8.2010 - 20


Rising storm



Saimaa | el lago Saimaa | the lake Saimaa

Savonlinna; Kaijansuo 27.7.2011 -5


Savonlinna; Niittylahti 21.7.2010