view from coffee stop - Punkaharju, Finland
This is not a dream. This is Finland!
The Word!
Meadow view
brand new day ahead!
Northern Beauty
Punkaharju; Puulajipuisto 7.10.2010 -5
Punkaharju; Puulajipuisto 7.10.2010 -4
Punkaharju 7.10.2010 -1
The midnight sun
2013-0707 085 PURUVESI meer café Rantakivi
2013-0707 68 PUNKAHARJU omgeving bosmuseum
2013-0707 082 PURUVESI meer café Rantakivi
bye-bye daytime
2013-0707 69 PUNKAHARJU omgeving bosmuseum
Wolken spiegeln sich darin ...
Punkaharju 4.6.2008