Defensive Action

Sumner County, TN Courthouse - Gallatin, TN

Rear View

Dream Patio

At my first show


In the corn maze

Gonna go ziplining

2011-10-30 Sheppard Photo Shoot-255-1-2

Cumberland Sunrise1

Just a scene from the trails...

gorgeous cloudiness

Fire in the Sky

Long Hollow

June Flowers

Butterfly on a Daisy

Young Eagles

Yesterday's sunset mountain biking ride was rad. Why? 3 elements made it rad: a good combination of flowy/technical terrain, fireflies, and a family (or two) of deer.

Gallatin Fly-In

Gallatin Fly-In

Gallatin Fly-In

Sumner County Regional Airport,TN. 5/10/2013 (old iphone snap,please excuse the poor quality)


In the maze