Cedar waxwing

Female wood duck portrait, Sportsman State Park, Yakima, Washington

Selah Creek

Tyler's Truck

Sportsman SP, WA

MT Rainer viewed from Yakima at sunset #philpottcarl #Washington #pnw

View ascending Cowiche Mountain

Hen wood duck preening

Looking down on me

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Cedar waxwing

House finch enjoying a crabapple snack

Landing approach

Wood duck

Male wood duck

Wood duck posing for a portrait

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Cedar waxwing

Missing some feathers

Drake mallard landing

Watching the sun go down

Sportsman Park Pond

Jan 14 2014 Nature and Wildlife

On three subsequent evenings, I watched this farmer head out to his tractor to begin the nightly plowing. On the third night, I was ready to capture the moment. #palouse #whitmancounty #visitwashington #farming #farminglife #wheat #farmsandranches #washin

Sunset in Yakima, WA driving to my relatives

Pond Infrared Beauty

Spring Day

Picture This

Dec 17 2013 Sunset


On Watch Duty

Settin Sun

The world in living color!



Sportsman State Park Pond Reflection


Autumn Splendour
