Cedar waxwing

Black-capped Chickadee, Poecile atricapillus

Wood duck

Drake mallard landing

Fred G. Redmon Bridge

Pied-billed Grebes ( Podilymbus podiceps)

Sportsman SP, WA

亚基马 (Yakima): Car 1976, Whitney Elementary School, 1983

Cedar Waxwings at the fountain

亚基马 (Yakima): Platform and controls, car 1976

White-winged Dove P04 on sunflower seeder 2017-07-13 ©Kevin S Lucas

Blue Jay 2018-10-23 ©Kevin S Lucas

Intergrade NOFL Randall Park 2019-01-02 ©Kevin S Lucas

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

House finch enjoying a crabapple snack

Harris's Sparrow, Zonotrichia querula

Harris's Sparrow, Zonotrichia querula

Harris's Sparrow, Zonotrichia querula

Bewick's wren, thryomanes bewickii

Harris's Sparrow, Zonotrichia querula

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Picture This

Sportsman Park Pond

Canyon Run

Around the Bend

I Must've Missed The Train, Again

Yakima river canyon from above. Roza dam

Spring Day

Watching the sun go down

On three subsequent evenings, I watched this farmer head out to his tractor to begin the nightly plowing. On the third night, I was ready to capture the moment. #palouse #whitmancounty #visitwashington #farming #farminglife #wheat #farmsandranches #washin

Dec 17 2013 Sunset

County Line


Jan 14 2014 Nature and Wildlife

The world in living color!

Settin Sun

On Watch Duty



Yakima Canyon Panorama


Although I would just as soon not be awake to see it, nice sunrise, Yakima