Trees and Peaks

Mount Evans

Royal Gorge

Fairplay CO

Mount Lincoln and Mount Bross

Ridge Walk

Clouds over Bross

Kite Lake Basin

Blue Sky (Explored)

Mines of Mount Lincoln

Mount Lincoln from Mount Cameron

Lone Light in the Valley

Mount Massive in the Distance

Summit Shelter

Low Clouds and Distant Peaks

Great view of mount little baldy behind #campcomo #rbyacamp12

LJ's Picks

Summit View from Mt. Sherman - 14,036'

Mount Sherman

Democrat, Cameron, and Lincoln

Bristle Cone Pines

Aspens at Red Hill Pass, Colorado

one more from the top

Remote Valley

tiny hikers, big weather

world's most obvious combover

Beaver Construction Site


So good to be back here. Sandy and Ernie send their love.

This Landscape Courtesy of Generations of Beaver Architects

Cameron and Lincoln

Reached the Windy Ridge

Leavick Valley?

Alpine Valley

Aspens Near Fairplay, Colorado

shooting the shooter

Above the Snowfield

enduring extreme conditions

Drone Selfie