Remote Valley

Trees and Peaks

South Park City, Colorado - September 16, 2020: View of the open-air museum, with abandoned buildings and a train in the town of Fairplay

Royal Gorge

South Park City, Colorado - September 16, 2020: Exterior view of a building in the Fairplay ghost town

Abandoned House, Alma, Colorado

North View From Hoosier Pass, Colorado

Fairplay CO

quartzville view

Fragile Remnant

Colorado Landscape 2

Mount Lincoln and Mount Bross

A Train with a View

Sherman Reflected

Blue Sky (Explored)

CO-9 9.29.19

Mount Sherman 7.23.16

Sherman Summit View

Ridge Walk

Mount Lincoln from Mount Cameron

Mount Evans

Sunset Diptych II: Anvil Strike

Sunset Diptych I: Let the Light Shine

Beaver Construction Site

Leavick Valley?

Beaver Dam

Lincoln creek 473

Mount Sherman

Colorado Rockies

Kite Lake campground

Quandary Peak from Hoosier Pass, Colorado

Sheep Mountain

This Landscape Courtesy of Generations of Beaver Architects