Home solutions (i.e. furniture)

More form the Southaven hhgregg closing sale...

Right end aisle signs, as viewed from the front action alley

Deli (and Santa - again!)

Nothing held back

Applebee's Horn Lake, October 2012 sign changeover (part 2)

Obligatory view of the rear wall clearance shelves

Former Target Starbucks windows

Rainy day view of the Horn Lake Walmart Neighborhood Market

Southbrook Mall, stuck in 1972 (explored June 18, 2013)

We got to install microwave ovens, custom kitchen deliveries (and mattresses!)

Another view of the new Horn Lake Walmart Services counter

Panoramic style (again!), January 12, 2016

059 Media frenzy, part 4

Rear view of new fuel center, with old security camera sign in the foreground

New Horn Lake Walmart, fuel center in the fading daylight

49 Can't get enough Food Avenue Express pictures!

Hardee's hulking next-door neighbor

JCPenney Wreckage Pick-up

Long view down to sporting goods and toys (former Southwind Target, Memphis)

It's a jungle out there

Rewind to August 2008: remnants of a Corondolet retail ghost town

Sunset...tomorrow will be a big day. Rehab here we come! Fingers crossed for a smooth transition:-)

Elvis never left the building.

Daffodil Hill

Lost Sunset

House Finch, male

Beautiful sky.... #clouds #sunset #sky #blueskies #treeline #latergram

latimer park 2011--3

#Germantown Football vs Kirby on a sultry, warm & windy #Friday evening.

latimer park 2011--2

GC 3


GC 2

Mississippi River mile 57 N

GC 4


Song Sparrow

Sunset at Irene Golf Club

Another defunct Mrs. Loser's

The China Inn Lobster pic I shoulda got last year!

American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis)