Hardee's hulking next-door neighbor
JCPenney Wreckage Pick-up
It's a jungle out there
Future Tuesday Morning
Another overview into the new space (explored)
Office Max, late March 2014 view
Elvis never left the building.
Pizza Hut and Starbucks (side view), former Southwind Target front race track area
The end of an era, in the blink of an eye
View down to the red-tiled floral area behind floral
Nice view from FIT!!!
Long view down to sporting goods and toys (former Southwind Target, Memphis)
Crappy view of the former Blockbuster entrance!
Elvis has left the building (in shambles)
49 Can't get enough Food Avenue Express pictures!
Macy's and Southland Mall, 50 years later
North side view
Rewind to August 2008: remnants of a Corondolet retail ghost town
Walmart signage circa 2008
Captain Obvious graffiti tag (Whitehaven Corondolet)
Former Target Starbucks windows
Lost Sunset
Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus)
latimer park 2011--3
Sunset...tomorrow will be a big day. Rehab here we come! Fingers crossed for a smooth transition:-)
latimer park 2011--2
Mississippi River mile 57 N
Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)
Another defunct Mrs. Loser's
Sunset at Irene Golf Club
#sunset #memphis #tennessee #beautifulweather
American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis)
Another full view of the old Southaven Kroger
First time back on a course in a couple years. Let's see if I still got it.
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Extreme west end of lot, where the old building was
The Worn Path