Long view down to sporting goods and toys (former Southwind Target, Memphis)

Looking up toward the southeast rear corner

Looking back toward the front of the new building

Crappy view of the former Blockbuster entrance!

Hacks Cross Rd. McDonald's, north side view

North side view

Side view of the dull, boring silver-gray trim

49 Can't get enough Food Avenue Express pictures!

Another view up the hill

View along the new front wall, Germantown Farmington Blvd. Kroger

Looking toward the front, from the north side

Former Target Starbucks windows

Google street view, Horn Lake Blockbuster Video, Jul 2011

Germantown Exeter Rd. Kroger, produce department

Drive-thru side deterioration

Dodge's dead gas canopy (No. 2)

Another view from Arby's looking toward the front of the lot

View of the untouched east side wall

45 View down the green aisle, toward electronics (Target, Horn Lake)

Be Still, Child

Front view of the new Farmington Blvd. Kroger, March 29, 2015

#Germantown Football vs Kirby on a sultry, warm & windy #Friday evening.

Song Sparrow


Sunset at Irene Golf Club

Another defunct Mrs. Loser's


House Finch, male

Another full view of the old Southaven Kroger

Shilling farm grove

Killing two G'town birds with one shot

Extreme west end of lot, where the old building was

Backyard Burger (former Kenny Rogers Roasters) next door to former Cozymel's (now demolished)

Memphis Pool | Freeform Swimming Pool | Getwell, TN | Memphis, TN | New Pool Construction


juvenile House Finch, male

Rear view, north side


Backyard Burger (former Kenny Rogers Roasters) next door to former Cozymel's (now demolished)

Schnucks Elementary School!

Chick-fil-A (rear view)

Day 301 - Sedate Germantown Captain Arby's