a death on the prairie...

C&NW 6908 West at Nelson, IL

squall line...

Black Bird

CB&Q #9208 Sterling, Illinois #2

the incursion...

Exposed backside

Chicken house drift

Wider View

Bald Eagle

View From Ave. G Bridge Sterling, IL

Heat Shimmer

Still Stranded at Galt

Bald Eagle

In Flight


Thayer's Gull 26 NOV 2013 in Lee Co IL

Lee county storm.

Thayer's Gull 26 NOV 2013 in Lee Co IL

Coaling Tower

Thayer's Gull 26 NOV 2013 in Lee Co IL

the passage....

a farmer's autumn serenade...(HSS)

you can't see the fence for the trees...

lost in a sea of green....(HFF)

Sunset in Rock Falls

19740800 12 BN Sterling, IL


#CloudFormations #skyview #skyline #Illinois

Lee County Storm


Lee County Storms

2009 Fishkill img 0002

Rock Falls,Old RB &W

Lee county Storm

new journeys....

No. 3034 - Union Pacific - Nelson, Ill.

Flag Units on the Fourth


20150504 064551 1SL5

Rock Falls, Lower Dam