the view from the backyard...

scenes from the rearview....

a death on the prairie...

winter's chill....(HSS)

CB&Q #9208 Sterling, Illinois #2

Coaling Tower

Wider View

runnin' in the jungle...

squall line...

C&NW 6908 West at Nelson, IL

the incursion...

C&NW Coaling Tower

Still Stranded at Galt

Exposed backside

View From Ave. G Bridge Sterling, IL

US Post Office Sterling IL

6000 LB Navy Anchor

An Old Church or School

US Army Ambulance Frontal View

155 MM Howitzer Rear View

Bald Eagle

say it ain't so....

Harvesting at sunset

Sterling Business

before the storm....

lost in a sea of green....(HFF)

the tempest...



the greenhouse effect....

take the long way around your town...

the passage....

Life Finds a Way

when angels call...


UPY 705

the new start(2018)....

I wanna be a florida cow...

new journeys....

No. 3034 - Union Pacific - Nelson, Ill.

Lee county storm.