winter's chill....(HSS)

scenes from the rearview....

runnin' in the jungle...

the view from the backyard...

a death on the prairie...

squall line...

snowy dawn

the incursion...

Still Stranded at Galt

CB&Q #9208 Sterling, Illinois #2

Magenta Sunrise

Exposed backside

View From Ave. G Bridge Sterling, IL

Home of Edward A Smith

US Post Office Sterling IL

Roadside Motel

The Pink Restoration

An Old Church or School

Malvern Mill, Img 022

Little House On The Hill

Nice Old Farmstead


before the storm....

big bang boom!

the tempest...


dark forces....


the white swan...


new journeys....

the greenhouse effect....


take the long way around your town...

the passage....

there's hope on the horizon....


when angels call...

Life Finds a Way

a farmer's autumn serenade...(HSS)

I wanna be a florida cow...