Beer with a View

Most of you probably won't read all of this, but this is a picture is one to remember for me. It all started with my curiosity after seeing a greatly lit photo opportunity. Driving down W McNeil St in Stephenville, Tx, I saw in a sort of fenced off, not f

Crow Opera House Looking Up, Stephenville, Texas

North Texas Landscape

North Texas Landscape

North Texas Landscape

Erath County Courthouse, Stephenville, Texas Historical Marker

Bosque at Legends4

Good morning! Hope everyone has a great Sunday before going back to the weekly routine. #itsamazingoutthere #rainbow #lightrefraction #texas #sunset #cantbeatthem #countryside #cameroncookphotography

I can't remember his name, so for now I will call him Rusky. I see it fitting. What do you think his name should be? Leave it in the comments below! Model: Rusky the Puppy ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitpage #embrey

Distressed, but not distressed. You get what I'm sayin? Model: Lura Rylant ( @lura_rylant ) ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitpage #embreymagazine #portraitgrid #explorethenatural #instagood #top_portraits #twerking_p

Intense Blue #BKbrighteyeseries Give this guy a follow! He is an incredible emerging musician and is one of the coolest people I know. Model: Matthew Hernandez ( @itsonlymattheww ) ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitp

"Whoa, amber is the color of your energy. Whoa, shades of gold displayed naturally." - 311 #BKbrighteyeseries Model: Stephen Ellis ( @stevierayellis ) ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitgrid

Step up your style. Model: Austin Roberson ( @gentlemansavenue ) ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #pursuitofportraits #xelfie #portraits_ig #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitgrid #enjoythenatural #livetoexplore #makeportra

Hey, wanna see some crazy bokeh? I got chu. ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitgrid #enjoythenatural #eyes #livetoexplore #makeportraits #postemotion #trees #moodygrams #style #allmanual #i

The first photo I captured with my new/old lens. Straight out the box hummy Guess that Person! ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitgrid #enjoythenatural #eyes #livetoexplore #makeportraits

A Little Bit of Green - Elvis Presley Another contribution to the newly started #BKbrighteyeseries I will not only be posting my photos on this series, but also featuring some photographers I feel don't get the exposure they deserve. This photo was t

Mickey Blue Eyes #BKbrighteyeseries Starting Now. Model: Ryan Rash ( @rashstartswithanitch ) ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitgrid #enjoythenatural #eyes #livetoexplore #makeportraits #po

This used to be a flowing water source. Model: Stef with an F ( @strut_ur_stef ) _____________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitgrid #enjoythenatural #angst #livetoexplore #makeportraits #postemotion #face #mood

Textured tweed. (Also, this photo was featured twice on weekly selects by @vsco so I thought I'd share it on here as well) Model: Austin Roberson ( @gentlemansavenue ) ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portrai

Lit-ty kitty. #catsofinstagram #kitty #lit #model #animalmodel #iphone

Selenium Silhouettes. ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitgrid #enjoythenatural #livetoexplore #makeportraits #postemotion #xelfie #faces #moodygrams #closeup #illgrammers #natural #nature #tree

If you haven't driven to your nearest Allsups at 1 in the morning just for a stop-n-go burrito, you've never lived. Also, gas is only One Fitty-Seven. ???????? #westexaslife #texas4life #bestfood #cheapestgaspricesinamerica #gasstationfoodislifean

Texas can't make up its mind. 32 degrees last week, 81 degrees this week. _______________________ #texas #westtexas #instagramtexas #iphone #panorama #snakehunting #exploration #natural #explorethenatural

One bright lit. Model: Adam Jeffers ( @adamjjeffers ) ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitgrid #enjoythenatural #livetoexplore #makeportraits #postemotion #xelfie #faces #moodygrams #closeup

Lit. Lit. Lit. (Pt2 of Lit series) ______________________ #portrait #models #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitgrid #enjoythenatural #livetoexplore #makeportraits #postemotion #xelfie #faces #moodygrams #closeup #illgrammers #natural

This spot was lit.....very well. Model: Stephen Ellis ( @stevierayellis ) ______________________ #portrait #model #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitgrid #enjoythenatural #livetoexplore #makeportraits #postemotion #xelfie #faces #mo

A pano from the Tarleton State Planetarium. This is the Milky Way if we observed it only identifying the Gamma Radiation and the star formations forming the horoscope symbols. This is a picture of what was actually going on last night in that dark sky

Perks of having a model as a roommate. Model: Ryan Rash ( @rashstartswithanitch ) _____________________ #portrait #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitgrid #enjoythenatural #livetoexplore #makeportraits #postemotion #xelfie #faces #m

Dark stripes and harsh lights create a contrast great for black and white. Btw, congratulations on the graduation, we at TNS are so proud you've made it. Model: Bethany Kyle ________________________ #portrait #portraits_universe #portraitpage #portra