Monrepos Seacastle
Isn't life the greatest thing of them all?? [HDR]
it's a hellfire up there [HDR]
burning trees
my lovely flickr friends I wish you all a wonderful week-end! May you always have good light! [HDR]
journey into a new world
imagine there is no heaven [HDR]
Castle Monrepos
four angels
Park Entrance
Neuschwanstein Castle
Eight Boats
the cliff
always seize the moment [HDR]
Andromeda Galaxy
Hall of Fame - Ludwigsburg, Germany (HDR)
~They came to sit & dangle their feet off the edge of the world & after awhile they forgot everything but the good & true things they would do someday~ [HDR]
fancy some M&Ms?
~Don't you hear it? she asked & I shook my head no & then she started to dance & suddenly there was music everywhere & it went on for a very long time & when I finally found words all I could say was thank you.~ [HDR]
No bread..
Wolken über Monrepos
Hessigheim Rock Gardens
happy spring
Schloss (Seeschloss) Monrepos - Ludwigsburg Germany
Autumn - the foggy forest - I
Favoritepark, Ludwigsburg
Summer memories [HDR]
Burgstall summer pano - I
Pilz vom AKW Neckarwestheim :)
Lauffen - Castle
quiet summer crops
Nekar bei Poppenweiler
Löwensteiner Berge
...heute mal kein Pferde-Bild...! Was 'ne Aussicht...
Herbstlicher Spaziergang rund um den Korber Kopf.