Isn't life the greatest thing of them all?? [HDR]

Curving The Bug

my lovely flickr friends I wish you all a wonderful week-end! May you always have good light! [HDR]

journey into a new world

Hall of Fame - Ludwigsburg, Germany (HDR)

~Don't you hear it? she asked & I shook my head no & then she started to dance & suddenly there was music everywhere & it went on for a very long time & when I finally found words all I could say was thank you.~ [HDR]


Tour de Schlössle II


Tour de Schlössle III

Monrepos Seacastle

it's a hellfire up there [HDR]

burning trees

Castle Monrepos

Big block

four angels

Tour de Schlössle III

Feeling small

Park Entrance

Iron Pumper

Ectophasia on pink II

happy spring

Autumn - the foggy forest - I

Das hatten wir schon

Nekar bei Poppenweiler

~They came to sit & dangle their feet off the edge of the world & after awhile they forgot everything but the good & true things they would do someday~ [HDR]


Eight Boats

you're not a Newfoundland

FMT 6 or the running Elephant V2

FMT 6 or the running Elephant V1

Wolken über Monrepos

Hessigheim Rock Gardens

Da Tree

Schloss (Seeschloss) Monrepos - Ludwigsburg Germany

Dark skies

Favoritepark, Ludwigsburg