The Whispering Wall

Soon to go...

[145/365] Night Lights

Ponce de Leon Dining Room

St. Augustine Fl Sunrise - The Morning After

The Wheel Goes Round And Round

Green, Orange and Blue

St. Augustine, Psalm 27:1

Vilano Beach, Psalm 91:9-10

Full-Moon on Deck

Old and New

I Guess We Won't SEE A Sunset Tonight

Dow House ~ 1839

Around Castillo de San Marcos

The Whiplashbikerphotog

238 Candles

St. Augustine, Numbers 6:24-26

St. Augustine, Proverbs 14:22


[30/365] Full Wolf Moon

St Augustine

Vilano beach.

Riverside Blues [explored]

Sunrise at Castillo de San Marcos

[255/365] Morning Glowy

Hidden Beauty of St. Augustine

Sunset on Saint John's River

DSCF6623 st augustin

Red Pancake

Vilano Beach, Habakkuk 2:14

The beach

Vilano Beach Bridge

Gold Path ~ Quarta Sunset 128


Walk the Dog

Guana-Tolomato-Matanzas Nat'l Reserve, Acts 11:16

High tide

Rise and Shine

Playful Pelicans

St. Augustine Harbor