The Whispering Wall

Ponce de Leon Dining Room

Vilano Beach, Psalm 91:9-10

[30/365] Full Wolf Moon

St. Augustine, Proverbs 14:22

Memorial Presbyterian Church, St. Augustine

St. Augustine, Psalm 27:1

Flagler College Dome

The Authentic Old Drugstore

View toward West Tower, Flagler College, St Augustine

Airplane Graveyard, St. Augustine FL

The Painted Lady

Little House on the Harbor

Courtyard, Flagler College, St Augustine

Our Lady of La Leche Chapel, Mission Nombre de Dios, St Augustine, FL

St Augustine Downtown Shopping

Elegant Eating

Green, Orange and Blue

Soon to go...

[145/365] Night Lights

The Wheel Goes Round And Round

Sunset on Saint John's River

DSCF6623 st augustin

Castillo de San Marcos - Saint Augustine (Florida)

Backlit thunderhead

Ponce de Leon Hotel Courtyard, Flagler College, St. Augustine

Castle Otttis, Vilano Beach, Florida

Little Cabin


Castillo de San Marcos - St. Augustine, FL

Mission Nombre de Dios

[255/365] Morning Glowy

Vilano Beach, Habakkuk 2:14


High tide

Guana-Tolomato-Matanzas Nat'l Reserve, Acts 11:16

Vilano Beach Bridge

Hidden Beauty of St. Augustine

In the exact moment ⚡ ☁