You Put It On Wrong.

The Net Has Somewhat Decayed.

Toad's Bowl

3 is a crowd.

Playing Doubles.

Play With Me.

Horse Pens 40 Scenic Overlook / P1982-0905A037-29

U.S. Highway 231 & Blount Mountain / P1982-0905A037-19

Flossy Falls

Flossy Falls


Horse Pens 40 / P1982-0905A037-05

Murphaee Valley Rd

Spring run, tributary of Big Canoe Creek, St. Clair Co., Alabama

Cole Property, Big Canoe Creek Tributary, St. Clair Co., AL

Murphaee Valley Rd

Eurycea cirrigera egg mass, Big Canoe Creek Tributary, St. Clair Co., Alabama