Red-shouldered Hawk-MP-3839

Transitions Revisited (orbital concept)

Taking a Quick Peek

My Name is Duck! James Duck!

Northern Harrier-Female-PP-7150

Red-eyed Vireo-PP-3158

Brown Thrasher-Juvenile-MP-6951

Prairie Warbler-MP-8154

Downy Woodpecker-female-MP-7843

Rainy Torch

Limpkin Chicks-PP-3496

Red-winged Blackbird-female-PP-4141

Swallow-tailed Kite-PP-9756

Bronzed Cowbird-PP-3108

Ruby-throated Hummingbird-MP-3588

Yellow-crowned Night Heron-PP-2554

Humboldt Mosaic - with full disc

"D" rusted car view

Bottle brush beauty

Boat-tailed Grackle-female-MP-2940

Downy Woodpecker-male-MP-8367

Houses by the lake at Ben Fiorendino

The lake at Ben Fiorendino

The last light after storm, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Stephanie F

This is so f...ing beautiful here! I don't want to leave! ???? I know that for some of you this is an everyday scene, but for me, coming from a cold country this is just AMAZING!

Discovery Time

Sunset at the Pine lands

A Hole in One 2700

Long Ago And Far Away

Perfectly Still

Life and Death LE

Standing Alone

Burrowing Owl Babies 2013

Soul Within Soul

#Sunset #Clouds #Landscape #Florida #USA


Burrowing Owl

Chapel Trail Nature Preserve

This is the end... The eastern edge of The Everglades.

Stephanie F
