Red-shouldered Hawk-MP-3839

Red-eyed Vireo-PP-3158

Brown Thrasher-Juvenile-MP-6951

Yellow-chevroned Parakeet-PP-2508

Northern Parula-MP-8417

Red-winged Blackbird-female-PP-4141

Humboldt Mosaic - with full disc

Beauty in the "Pink" Wind


July 29 Northern Terminator (reprocess)

The New Pad

Discovery Time

Look What I Can Do

The Hang-Out

Northern Harrier-Female-PP-7150

Prairie Warbler-MP-8154

Rainy Torch

Limpkin Chicks-PP-3496

Transitions Revisited (orbital concept)

"D" rusted car view

Bronzed Cowbird-PP-3108

Perfectly Still

#Sunset #Clouds #Landscape #Florida #USA

Stephanie F

Vigilant Heron

A Hole in One 2700

Long Ago And Far Away

"If I've told ya once, I've told ya a thousand times

Life and Death LE

Houses by the lake at Ben Fiorendino

Standing Alone

Burrowing Owl Babies 2013

Soul Within Soul

The lake at Ben Fiorendino

The last light after storm, Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Burrowing Owl

This is the end... The eastern edge of The Everglades.

Stephanie F

Good Morning Weston!

This is so f...ing beautiful here! I don't want to leave! ???? I know that for some of you this is an everyday scene, but for me, coming from a cold country this is just AMAZING!

Little Guy