Red-shouldered Hawk-MP-7007

Northern Cardinal-MP-4548

Red-shouldered Hawk-MP-7014

Downy Woodpecker-female-MP-7843

Brown Thrasher-Juvenile-MP-6951

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, 1 Seminole Way, Hollywood, Florida, USA


Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, 1 Seminole Way, Hollywood, Florida, USA

HDR - semi-abandoned machinery

Discovery Time

Burrowing Owl Close-up

Daily pratice

Red-shouldered Hawk-MP-3839

Red-eyed Vireo-PP-3158

Northern Harrier-Female-PP-7150

Barn Owl-MP-3295

Gray Kingbird-PP-2589

Red For passion

White-eyed Vireo-MP-6132

Yellow-chevroned Parakeet-PP-2508

Rainy Torch

Perfectly Still

Houses by the lake at Ben Fiorendino

Soul Within Soul

Burrowing Owl

Stephanie F

Burrowing Owl Babies 2013

La llegada del Carrao

Turn The Page

Glades sunset

Air time

"Pensive Stroll"

The Death of Jesus

Florida Skies

Burrowing Owl

Dorantes Longtail (Urbanus dorantes)

Scarlet Skimmer (Crocothemis servilia)

♬ All you need is love ♬

Long Ago And Far Away

Standing Alone
