Eragon on Grand Mesa Autumn 2010_2


Atop Grand Mesa

Orchard City, CO

Grand Mesa Sunrise

View North towards the Roan Plateau

Purposeful fires and a distant view

Grand Mesa in winter

Looking South from the Visitors Center

Edge View

Land's End at peak color. (Explore)

Did you know Old Mesa Creek was the first ski area on the Grand Mesa? Most people mistakenly call it Old Powderhorn #Autumn #GJCO #XperiaDetails

Kennicott Slough Reservoir

The Cottenwood in winter

The Old Grand Mesa road.

Adobe Horses


Lands End Road #FallFoliage #Autumn #COwx #Snow

Changing foliage in Mesa County #COwx #GJCO #CloudPorn




Grand Mesa Aspens

Surface Creek Sideroad

Snow storm #COwx #Colorado #GJCO #WinterIsComing

Colorado Mesa Sunrise


Little Gems

Snow and fog on the fall colors.

Road on the Crest

Mesa Moon