Orchard City, CO

Gunnison Gorge (Explore)

Purposeful fires and a distant view

Old farm equipment #2

Grand Mesa Sunrise


Looking South from the Visitors Center

View Grand Mesa Cabin

Old farm equipment #1

Highway 92 - Delta County, CO

The Cottenwood in winter

On the Grand Mesa (Explore)

The Old Grand Mesa road.

Adobe Horses

Gunnison Gorge 2

Lands End Road #FallFoliage #Autumn #COwx #Snow

Little Gems

Mesas in the storm

Mesa Moon

Gunnison Gorge 1

Surface Creek Sideroad

Sand Hill's

Colorado Mesa Sunrise

Colorado farmland

Little Gem

Austin Hoseshoe

North Fork Coal II

Colorado Color

Gunnison Gorge Highway

Land-O-Lakes trail

Fluffy happy clouds