porters pass

Glentunnel: South Malvern School (c.1883) (2)

Glentunnel: South Malvern School (c.1883) (1)

View from West Coast Road

Forest through a pinhole

View from West Coast Road, just past Springfield, Canterbury

Korowai-Torlesse Tussocklands Park

Forest path

Springfield Railway Station

Wharfedale track

2-8-0 Springfield

Close-up view of one of the mountains in New Zealand - Explored

On the way to Arthur's Pass, New Zealand - Explored

Lower cascade of Ryde Falls

Wharfedale track

Ryde Falls

Lower cascade of Ryde Falls

Fly Agaric

Ground level

Trail to Ryde Falls

Between Craigieburn and Springfield

20120408_0954_G12-30 The foothills

20140214_3210_G12-6.8 Fishing at Woodstock

the weedy edge of civilization

one frame of another slow motion weed explosion

Southern Alps

South Island

A farm in the mountains

More mountains - Explored


Gigantic rocks standing...

Mountains on the way to Arthur's Pass, South Island, New Zealand

Sunshine sneaking thru

Ryde Falls near Oxford

Porters Pass