Forest path

Wharfedale track

Lower cascade of Ryde Falls

Wharfedale track

Lower cascade of Ryde Falls

Fly Agaric

Ground level

Forest through a pinhole

Trail to Ryde Falls

Top cascade of Ryde Falls

Ryde Falls

Downstream from Ryde Falls

Ryde Falls

Taking in the view

View from Oxford Road, just before Oxford, Canterbury

Ryde Falls

Island Road

Ryde Falls 2nd Tier

Banks Peninsula view from Mount Richardson

Banks Peninsula view from Mount Richardson


Ryde Falls near Oxford

Mt Oxford mountain beech

Canterbury Plains

Glentui waterfall

Sunshine sneaking thru

20141228_9284_EOS M-22 Ashley River at Ashley Gorge

20140128_7919_1D3-70 Wheat field

Bush Road Vista HDR

Grass is greener on the......

20150621_4211_7D2-47 Oxford cloud

Bush Road Vista #2 B&W HDR

20150201_4973_1D3-85 Mini waterfall at Ashley Gorge (SH 4)

Light on the Plains

Water Claws

Ashley River Gorge Canterbury New Zealand

Ashley River Gorge Canterbury New Zealand