2017 08-03 0913 DCR MP15N-1563, 1560 SE-1, Seaford, DE

2017 08-03 0955 DCR MP15N-1563 SE-1, Seaford, DE

Building Along the Nanticoke River

2017 08-03 1619 Tug-Capt Johnny, Seaford, DE

Ralph & Paul Adams, at an angle

Trees of Trussum - Taken near Trussom Pond and Trap Pond State Park in Laurel, DE

No Trespassing

Abandoned Diner in Delaware along US-13

A Perfect Flower

Abandoned DE Diner- rear view

Old Christ Church - Laurel, Delaware

Playground...You Know, for Kids!

Replica of Captain John Smith's shallop

Tarpaulins partway got blew down by Delmarva fierce windstorm, & now the weird secrets of the little fenced-in area are all out & unenshrouded where people can see.

Captain John Smith's Replica Crew

Woodland Ferry

Woodland Ferry

Trussum Pond

Ongoing progress of thorny thicket formation.

Side View of Pet Emporium

Soda Can Baseball: Round 1

Fields, Bridgeville, Delaware

Phillips Landing Park in Sussex County, Del.

Horseshoe Curve National Historic Landmark

Horseshoe Curve National Historic Landmark

IMG_0782 Dickcissel

Galestown Millpond Dam

Field and Buses

Nanticoke Shad Hatchery in Sussex County, Del.

Nanticoke Shad Hatchery in Sussex County, Del.

Fields, Bridgeville, Delaware

Fields, U.S. 13, Bridgeville, Delaware

Woodland Ferry

Woodland Ferry

Woodland Ferry

Soda Can Baseball: Round 2

Woodland Ferry

Records Pond

Glassy Spillway