City Lights or Lava Flow?

12 09 28 My View From Here: Horseshoe Valley.

View to the East from Sandia Peak


Madrid, NM view.

Here's the other side


Route 66, East of Albuquerque, New Mexico 1975

paako ridge, new mexico

looking west

Lightning Waltz - 7/26/06 Thunderstorm From East Mountains

Tree and clouds


Summer Storms and Sunbeams-


Looking toward i-40 and Three Gun Springs Trail








Sandia Peak View

Edgewood Homestead

Looking back to ABQ, distant Mt. Taylor

Metallic Yucca along I-40

I can see fore miles and miles... #paako #golf #nm #friends #beautiful #blessed

Watermelon Mt Sunset

Paa-Ko Ridge #7 pitch from right rough r

Sandia Park Sunrise

Sandia chamisa

East Mountain Ridge


pink feldspar

Sandia Crest

Sunset with a friend