Wild Horse Renewable Energy Center

Cottonwood Crown Borer (Sesia tibialis)

Burnin' Down The House

Old Way New Way - Wild Horse Wind Farm

Rough-legged hawk, Buteo lagopus

Great Basin Wood Nymph (Cercyonis sthenele sineocellata)

Wild Horse Renewable Energy Center

Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility Tour

Wild Horse Renewable Energy Center

Wild Horse Renewable Energy Center

Wild Horse Renewable Energy Center

Wild Horse Renewable Energy Center

Wild Horse Renewable Energy Center

Wild Horse Renewable Energy Center

Tour bus enters the Wild Horse Wind and Solar facility

Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility Tour

Boisduval's Blue (Plebejus icarioides pembina)

Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility Tour

Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility Tour

Wind Turbine, Kayak

Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility Tour

Golden Hour

Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus setonia)

Kititas Sunset

There is snow up in the hills

Old International Livestock Truck, Kittitas County, Washington (Jun 2011)

Black Cows

Colockum Tarps Fire (4/4)

Colockum Tarps Fire (2/4)

Colockum Tarps Fire

clouds near the gorge5

Metal and Sunset

Grain at Dusk

Wind Turbines at the Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility

Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility

Wild Horse Wind Facility

Autumn Colors, Lyons Road, Kittitas County, Washington, October 2013

Autumn Sage, October 2013

Colockum Tarps wildfire

Kititas Field

Colockum Tarps wildfire