Pacific Wren

History Of A Barn

Great horned owl

Pacific Wren

Share The Sky

The Rural Lifestyle

Remembering Autumn...

Autumn, what have you done?

Rough-legged hawk, Buteo lagopus

At One Time...

Great horned owl

Great horned owl, Ellensburg, Washington

Song sparrow

Ruby crowned kinglet - Explore

Red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis

Night Sky

Red-tailed hawk

Happy New Year!

She'll Be Comin' 'Round The Mountain

A Clouded Museum Landscape For Those Lost In The Hills

Yakima Canyon

To Pause Upon Each Varied Change

Be Still

Stay the Road

Follow The River

Hiding Above The Sound Clouds Make

As The River Flows

Burnin' Down The House

Any Road Will Get You There...

Mt Stewart

Intentions Reflected

Drive Home

You Don't Know How Lucky You Are

Umtanum Creek hoar frost and ice

Umtanum Suspension Bridge

Yakima Viewpoint

Snow goose with Canada geese, Ellensburg, Washington