Frazzled - Explored

Put There By The Land

Wenatchee Valley View

Spare a glance

Wenatchee Valley View II

Overlooking Saddlerock

Eastbound at Wenatchee (1 of 3)

Snow from below

Wenatchee Valley College Polar Panorama

Columbia River view from trail

20030922_077...Warehouse, tracks, and boulders

Wells House Polar Panorama

Heads and Tails

Eastbound at Wenatchee (2 of 3)

20030925_011...Eastbound at Wenatchee (3 of 3)

CWH tilt

Chelan County, WA Courthouse

The Wenatchee Station

Wenatchee's Cascades

Second view

Clouding Up

Hiking toward Saddle Rock

Winter 2021

Cascade Range - Blewett Pass

You're Welcome

Waterfall and Rocks

Beehive Mountain B&W - Explored

Between bales

They're called the #enchantments. Do the work, put in the miles and go see for yourself why no other name would do... . . #washingtonstate #washington #wa #upperleft #upperleftusa #pnw #pnwonderland #pnwlove #outdoors #outbound #outside #mountains #moun

When drive over 500 miles a day there's not much time left in a day

Pinus ponderosa

No snowstorm here

South view on Mission Peak

Sunrise Rock Garden

Splitting Peels

Wenatchee, Washington

Calf stretching her legs along the divide

Bitterroot, Lewisia rediviva