Leave Out All The Rest

UP Big Boy 4006 Steam Locomotive

Meramec River, near Eureka, Missouri, USA - view at dusk from Route 66 State Park bridge

Union Pacific 4006 Black and White

Aerial of Crestwood, MO_20130802_122951

Passenger Side View, Highway 44

Polish Chicken at World Bird Sanctuary - No 2

Tuff Guy

Polish Chicken at World Bird Sanctuary - No 1

Fall in Missouri

Snowy Ozarks view

Golden Eagle at World Bird Sanctuary - No 3

Eagle Staring into Water

American Kestrel - Close-Up

Golden Eagle at World Bird Sanctuary - No 1

Eagle Standing on a Log

LaBarque Creek

A collection of raindrops

Swift Fox - No. 4

Buck Profile

Pretty noon view at church

Lone Elk Park Lake

A Peaceful Walk

Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

Water Crossing

Buoys at Laumeier Sculpture Park

Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

The Eyeball at Laumeier Sculpture Park


Old time baseball

Yellowstone and Grand Tetons



Man with Briefcase at Laumeier Sculpture Park

Abandoned Car in Field - South St. Louis County, MO_P3172026c3

beauty after the storm

Barren field

Cold reflection

Whitaker Nature Trail at Laumeier Sculpture Park

The Meramec River today!

nov snow 04 008