Leave Out All The Rest

View from a secret window at church...

Pretty noon view at church

Anthers on Crown and Stigma Above_DSC8638

Eagle Profile B&W Colorized

Eagle Standing on a Log

The Hindu Temple of St. Louis - No. 2

Swift Fox - No. 3

Swift Fox - No. 4

Swift Fox - No. 1

The Hindu Temple of St. Louis - No. 1

Aerial of South County Mall_20130802_122842c

Aerial of Crestwood, MO_20130802_122951

Snowy Ozarks view

Valley Park RR Bridge

Afternoon view with Pops & Beau

Passenger Side View, Highway 44

Polish Chicken at World Bird Sanctuary - No 1

Wet Pelican

American Kestrel - Close-Up

"The Way" by Alexander Liberman - No. 3

Saline Valley

A Peaceful Walk


Buoys at Laumeier Sculpture Park

I Love the Ways Trees Don't Fight With Each Other

The Meramec River today!

Worth It

Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

Sleepy old road from today's bike ride with Pops & @clizden


Lone Elk Park Lake

Sunset @Park #5

Forest Staley Park

A really old Pin Oak at the park.


Taking in the view before scrambling down the precarious, slippery, loose rock bluffs of Castlewood for the first time in years... it's still kinda scary. #birthdayhike #funhogging

Lone Elk Park Lake


"He said that among men there was no such communion as among horses and the notion that men can be understood at all was probably an illusion." - C.M.

Old Soul

Laumeier Sculpture Park