view over Warden, German from the old Dagsthul castle

The view out my window, Dagstuhl, 2006

Snow. Lots of. In March.

Sunset, view from Litermont

Snow at the castle

Snow against the woods

Detail fading in the distance

Dagstuhl Sketchnotes, 9-12 December 2012 - Part 1

Dagstuhl Sketchnotes, 9-12 December 2012 - Part 1

Dagstuhl Sketchnotes, 9-12 December 2012 - Part 1

Litermont Gipfel

Rock Trail / Felsenweg

Rock Trail / Felsenweg

Rock Trail / Felsenweg

Rock Trail / Felsenweg

Rock Trail / Felsenweg

Rock Trail / Felsenweg

Rock Trail / Felsenweg

Rock Trail / Felsenweg

Rock Trail / Felsenweg

Rock Trail / Felsenweg

wolkiger nachmittag

der Ring im nebeligen Wald


am hungerberg

I love the clouds (No HDR)

Schaumberg Tafeltour 4

Morgenwald mit Hanglage

landscape (...i love the clouds)

Lichtfenster (in memory)

the dramatical effect


SAARLAND #205: Abendland (HDR)

landscape. (Summer of 69)

SAARLAND #184: Spaziergang nach Feierabend (HDR)

Frühlingstimmung im Wald, spring mood in the woods

Schaumberg Tafeltour 3

Schaumberg Tafeltour


Februar Morning Dogwalk

ein einfacher Waldweg

the path to the old Dagsthul castle