
dramatic sky

.. waiting ..

.. profile ..

.. forgotten stairs ..

Snowy Garden 1

9. März: /space station

Snow. Lots of. In March.

Sunset, view from Litermont

Snow at the castle

Snowy Garden 2

Völklingen Heidstock - View from the cemetery

Stereo Aussicht - Stereo View

6. März: /black Holes and dreams in space

Dillinger Huette

Litermont Gipfel

view over Warden, German from the old Dagsthul castle

The view out my window, Dagstuhl, 2006

Snow against the woods

Detail fading in the distance

Dagstuhl Sketchnotes, 9-12 December 2012 - Part 1

wolkiger nachmittag

der Ring im nebeligen Wald

Im Urwald Saarbrücken


church with onion tower

am hungerberg

I love the clouds (No HDR)

Schaumberg Tafeltour 4

Morgenwald mit Hanglage

landscape (...i love the clouds)

Lichtfenster (in memory)

the dramatical effect

SAARLAND #211: Blick zur Göttelborner Höhe (HDR)

SAARLAND #109: Sommerwind

FaRK 2014


SAARLAND #205: Abendland (HDR)

SAARLAND #107: Idylle pur in Urexweiler (No HDR)

landscape. (Summer of 69)

SAARLAND #184: Spaziergang nach Feierabend (HDR)