dramatic sky

Snow. Lots of. In March.


8:09 pm May 1 2009

.. waiting ..

two buildings one roof

June 11, 2009 8:47 pm

.. profile ..

.. forgotten stairs ..

Congress Centrum Saar

Völklinger Hütte + 2 Fotos

Völklinger Hütte + 1 Foto

June 11, 2009 8:27pm

7:47 pm May 1 2009

Völklinger Hütte

Völklinger Hütte + 1 Foto

June 12, 2009 8:22 pm

Corpus Christi

Völklinger Hütte

red and blue composition

A view from my window

wolkiger nachmittag

der Ring im nebeligen Wald

Im Urwald Saarbrücken

Linslerhof : Gartenträume 2014


church with onion tower

Burbacher Waldweiher / Saarland

am hungerberg

I love the clouds (No HDR)

Morgenwald mit Hanglage

landscape (...i love the clouds)

Lichtfenster (in memory)

Burbacher Waldweiher

the dramatical effect

Burbacher Waldweiher

Burbacher Waldweiher

FaRK 2014


An einem Sonntag im Maerz

SAARLAND #205: Abendland (HDR)