Abhayagiri Monastery, Redwood Valley, Mendocino Co.

Abhayagiri Monastery, Redwood Valley, Mendocino Co.

Squirrel at Breakfast

Abhayagiri Monastery, Redwood Valley, Mendocino Co.

Skunk Train, Willits, CA

The Wider View

Vacuum Engine 2

Lynn's Roses 2

Frosted Tips

Carlson Apartments

Medical Offices

Wildfire Smoke

Another view looking down into the backyard

Willits Kinetic Carnivale

Blosser Lane School

Old Library Building

Mendo Mill

Kwik Stop and John's Place

Rose Arbor

Willits Justice Center

Little Lake Valley

Little Lake Valley

Dinah and Pepper

Second Deck View, 2 Jan 2009

End of fog

Just maried ! :-)

Ecology Action Mini Farm

Icy Par Course Trail

Entrance to the Brooktrails Par Course

Willits Creek Frozen Over

Car in Snow

East of Willits

Abhayagiri driveway


Beeler Pond

Steep driveway at the end

New Retaining Wall

Ewes and Lambs

Fire Abatement 2

Northwest of Willits