"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Jimi Hendrix

City of Dalton

Saul's Dream House

Dug Gap View

House Side View

Lunch Break

See Rock City

Amber's Ponytail

JMW Overlook, Johns Mountain Wilderness

Dug Gap Battlefield

Light to guide

South Keown Falls, Johns Mountain, Keown Falls Recreation Area, Chattahoochee National Forest, Walker County, Georgia 1

Dug Gap

10/2/10 05:19 PM

Hiking Day at Chickamauga Creek Trail

Hiking Day at Chickamauga Creek Trail

Johns Creek, Chattahoochee National Forest, Floyd County, Georgia 3

Hiking Day at Chickamauga Creek Trail

keown falls trail (pinhoti trail) #hiking #appalachian #mountains

Hiking Day at Chickamauga Creek Trail

Snake Creek, Chattahoochee National Forest, Gordon County, Georgia 1

tones of home 02

days gone by. when i was a boy i planted the trees that today line my parents driveway. my how they have grown. i, too, have grown. they reach towards they sky, firm soldiers of love standing guard at the old home place. the sun sets and another day goes

Hiking Day at Chickamauga Creek Trail

Drone shot of the CCKY on the run to Chattanooga

The Pocket Recreation Area (GA)

Keown Falls Stairs

Fields of Gold